Zúčastní se také mnoha školních aktivit, kde bude zapojovat naše žáky do aktivních konverzací na rpobírané téma nebo bude s našimi žáky probírat praktickou terminologii například v hodinách vaření, v dílnách polygrafů, pekařů nebo cukrářů. Bude jezdit na maturitní zájezdy našich studentů oboru hotelnictví a bude posuzovat a hodnotit jejich znalosti anglického jazyka.
Asistenka do výuky slečna Courtney Nicole Kobos vystudovala bakalářský obor „English Secondary Education“ na americké Elon University. U nás stráví jeden celý školní rok od září 2019 do června 2020. Už se na ni všichni těšíme a doufáme, že s námi stráví krásný školní rok a naši studenti maturitních i učebních oborů si tak zlepší svoje komunikativní dovednosti v anglickém jazyce.
Kratičké interview s Courtney:
Where are you from?
I am from Texas. My family lives near the city of Dallas, Texas and we love to watch sports, spend time at the lake, and eat great BBQ and Mexican food.
Where do you study?
I study at a University called Elon University in North Carolina. It is about a 20-hour drive from my hometown! At Elon, I study English literature and education.
What was your proudest moment of undergraduate study?
My proudest moment of undergraduate study was winning a grant called the Leadership Prize that gave me money to fund my research project. My research is focused on improving the classroom environment for English Language Learners. With the money, I was able to host a one-day Symposium at my school and bring together educators from across the state.
Why did you apply for Fulbright?
I have known since my first year at Elon that I wanted to apply for a Fulbright grant. I have always loved new experiences that push me outside of my comfort zone and allow me to immerse myself in a new culture and new environment. My 2nd year I studied abroad for a semester in Oxford, England and was able to visit the Czech Republic for a long weekend. I loved learning about the country’s history, trying various foods, and joining in on some Easter celebrations. I also am extremely excited to learn about the vocational system and the differences between school in the Czech Republic and the United States.
What are you most excited for?
I am most excited to get involved in the community outside of school. I am so glad to be placed at a vocational school where I can join in on extracurricular activities. Additionally, the area looks absolutely beautiful and I hope to explore the outdoors and nearby towns.